Awareness, Mind, Humanity, and Conversations to Start Your Week

Our first four featured interviews on the new Ghost platform.

In case you missed last week's newsletter, we launched Forward Thinking Workplaces on a new publishing platform. Rather than bringing over all the content at once, we give everything a fresh look and a detailed review before publishing it here.

Check out our four latest interviews that are now available for reading and listening.

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Who Is Leading Our Lives?

We remastered the audio interview with Dr. Helena Lass to make it a clearer and more enjoyable listening experience. Apress selected this interview for inclusion in our book, but publishing deadlines and editorial constraints kept it out at the last minute. You will come away from this interview with a profound new understanding and appreciation of yourself and the human condition.

The Most Important But Least Recognized Variable in Business

Dr. Dicken Bettinger makes a compelling case for the most important but least recognized variable in business. It will likely surprise you. Even though we can't include the entire interview because of our agreement with Apress, you'll find enough content that stands on its own.

The Person Who Sweeps the Floor Chooses the Broom

Howard Behar is the retired president of Starbucks, and his leadership was foundational to the success of Starbuck's brand and customer experience. This interview is also in our book. Even though it's a preview, you'll still learn some simple but powerful ideas that bring out the best in people.

How Do We Tap into the Best Conversations that People Could Have?

Our interview with the late Judith Glaser was one of the first. Judith shares many insights on conversations in this interview from her many years of groundbreaking research. Little did we know when we first met Judith the influential role conversations would bring to our work.