13 Forward Thinking Insights on Creating Habitats for Everyone to Flourish
Claude Cloutier, CEO at XtremeEDA, is a great example of what the forward-thinking workplace of the 21st century looks like.

Claude Cloutier, is the President, CEO, and Founder of XtremeEDA. He is also the author of The Consciousness Quotient: Leadership and Social Justice for the 21st Century.
In the fall of 2021, I had the opportunity to interview Claude for Forward Thinking Workplaces and observed that he was living and running his company in the same spirit.
In this presentation, we highlight the 13 most intriguing insights from the interview.
I know you will learn and gain from what Claude has to share.
Care to let me know what you find most intriguing? I invite you to email me at bill@billfox.co.
— Bill Fox
Founder, Forward Thinking Workplaces