The 21st-Century Team Member Is a Leader of One: Themselves

Bill Fox advocates for team members to step into their own leadership and transform internally in a way that enables them to shape the future rather than just respond to events.

The 21st-Century Team
Member Is a Leader of One:
It is true leadership — leadership by everyone — chaordic leadership, in, up, around, and down that this world so badly needs, and Industrial Age, dominator management that it so sadly gets.
— Dee Hock, founder and CEO emeritus, Visa

The 21st-Century Team Member Is a Leader of One: Themselves

Can anyone and everyone be a leader? Has the need ever been more urgent for more people to step into their own leadership?

I believe anyone and everyone can be a leader, and the need has never been more urgent for more of us to step into our own leadership.

In my most recent article for Cutter, I make the case for why and how for more people start or deepen their "inner-leader journey."

Cutter editor, Tim Lister, had this to say when he introduced the article:

Bill Fox wrote our fifth article, which says we must enter into a quest to transform ourselves and learn new ways of living and working together that elevate everyone. He says Industrial Age rules and thinking are limiting us and that today’s times call for team members to have the ability to lead themselves and others, regardless of location or circumstances. Fox advocates for leaders to transform internally in a way that enables them to shape the future rather than just respond to events. “When we open ourselves up to begin an inner transformation, we begin to see things as they truly are. When we see what is true, we allow something new to show up. We begin to think and act in new ways and interact differently with others,” he writes.Fox describes six areas of growth that are key to transformation: forward thinking, self leadership, inner awareness and intuition, inner-leader journey, listening and dialogue, and understanding how the mind works. He stresses that insight for new leadership resides not in the “other”; rather, it is accessible to everyone. By enhancing our ability to look and listen within, we shape our world from the inside out, he says.

Surprising Survey Results

If you were one of the 25 people who took the survey associated with this article, thank you.

Your responses and the individual comments that were submitted were extremely insightful and helpful.

To my surprise, the survey results hint at the overwhelming need — and support— for the types of changes discussed in this article.

Read the article online or download the PDF at one of the buttons below:

I hope you will take a few minutes to read the article and let me know what you find most intriguing.

— Bill

Bill Fox | Forward Thinking Leadership
Reimagining you, leadership, and workplaces from the inside out to create leaders and workplaces of tomorrow -- today!