13 Forward Thinking Insights on How We Can Be More Capable of Change

Erika Andersen, Founding Partner of Proteus, exemplifies in her work the power of relentlessly asking good questions to get at the essence of things.

13 Forward Thinking Insights on How We Can Be More Capable of Change

Erika Andersen is a Business Thinker, Keynote Speaker, and Founding partner of Proteus. She is also the author of Change from the Inside Out and four other best-selling books.

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to interview Erika for Forward Thinking Workplaces and observed how her ability to ask good questions and dig deeper had led to fascinating insights on making us more change-capable in today's world.

In this presentation, we highlight the 13 most intriguing insights from the interview.

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I know you will learn and gain from what Erika has to share.

Care to let me know what you find most intriguing? I invite you to email me at bill@billfox.co or leave a comment in the new comments feature below. (Note: if you are on my mailing list, you are a member.)

— Bill Fox

Founder, Forward Thinking Workplaces

Bill Fox ⏐Reimagining you + leadership + workplaces
When we enhance our ability to look and listen within, we express our authentic greatness and truth and shift our world from the inside out.